Delivering classroom, online, & e-learning courses for all your training needs
Delivering classroom, online, & e-learning courses for all your training needs
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E-learning is a self-paced training course for you delivered remotely. You'll move through the modules of an e-learning course on your own.
E-learning is flexible in time and pace. E-learning training courses are useful and engaging and will meet the learning outcomes of the course and can be used as stand-alone training or to blend or complement other training.
You'll need a desktop, laptop or tablet, an Internet connection and email address.
We recommend you have the latest browser installed , an Internet download speed of at least 3Mb and 1 Gb of RAM. Most modern devices will be fine.
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If you find a like-for-like e-learning course cheaper somewhere else, we'll do our best to match the price*.
This introductory level course is aimed at people working in adult and child care environments who may come into contact with people who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and will provide the learner with an understanding of what autism is and how it affects daily life.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A useful introductory level course for anyone who works with or has regular contact with children or adults with ADHD. Course covers definitions, types and key signs and symptoms of ADHD and practical advice on supporting those with ADHD.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is intended to give you an overview of the common types of dementia and how it affects different parts of the brain. It also covers strategies to use with people with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 25 minutes
£ 18.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This awareness course helps the learner understand the causes and symptoms of depression and factors that can make management of depression more difficult. The course includes physical and social effects of depression, treatment and management techniques. Aimed at those working within the health and social sector who need to increase their awareness of depression to help inform and improve the care they give.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course informs about symptoms, complications and management of diabetes. Aimed at those working within the health and social care sector, the course will raise awareness and understanding of diabetes.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course provides an overview of epilepsy and types of seizures. It includes possible triggers, how the brain is affected, how it is diagnosed and what to do in the event of someone having a seizure.
Aimed at those working within the health and social care sector it will expand knowledge and understanding of seizures and epilepsy.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 30 minutes
£15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is aimed at those working within the health and social care sector or those who know someone with learning disabilities. The course provides an overview of common types of learning disability, causes and effects and how a person-centred care approach can provide better care and support.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This short course helps those working within health and social care sectors to understand what good end of life care looks like, what to expect and how to manage the practical and emotional aspects of end of life.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 4 years
Duration: 25 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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An essential course for any workplace. Course includes definitions, links between attitudes and values and beliefs, sterotypes, prejudices and discrimination and how to build a better, more inclusive workplace culture.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 70 minutes (1hr 10 mins)
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Ideal learning for those working in any sector who want to understand how good infection prevention and control reduces risks in the workplace. Course includes prevention and control, impact of infection, transmission pathways and cleaning and decontamination.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at those working in the health and social care sectors or anyone delivering ancillary services who need to understand what a duty of care is, the implications and responsibilities of the duty and its affects on working situations.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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An introductory course to stress focussing on stress in the workplace and why it is a problem. Includes what stress is, causes and symptoms, minimising the risk and the law surrounding the topic. A must-have for all managers in the workplace.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is aimed at the healthcare sector. The course will provide an understanding and overview of what dignity and privacy is within health care, offer practical tips on good practice and how it builds the right working relationship with service users. It also includes self-care and overcoming barriers.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 4 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is intended to give you an overview of how the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme works, what the scoring criteria are and how these are assessed by the inspectors, the appeals process, the Safer Food Better Business management system, E-Coli and concludes with some practical advice for ensuring your premises gets the best score possible.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM & Gatehouse Awards approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 220 minutes (3hrs 40 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at those working in the care sector, this course is an introduction to health and safety at work.
Course includes responsibilities, safe systems of work, accidents and illness, moving and handling, hazards, aggression, violence and security. It also touches on security and stress and welfare at work.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 80 minutes (1hr 20 mins)
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Crucial training for those working in the health and social care sector or anyone in a caring role.
This course includes principles of safer handling and moving, assessments, practical skills, transferring & walking, avoiding and dealing with falls, use of moving & handling equipment including hoists.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 150 minutes (2hr 30 mins)
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with vulnerable adults in any work or voluntary sector.
The course covers definitions, types of abuse, rights of vulnerable adults, recognising signs of abuse and what to do in safeguarding cases. It also includes safeguarding legislation.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 2 years
Duration: 80 minutes (1hr 20mins)
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with children in any work or voluntary sector.
This course covers types of abuse, recognising signs of abuse, why a child may not tell, and what to do in safeguarding cases. It also includes safeguarding legislation.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 2 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£22.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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An ideal course as part of your workplace health and safety strategy and training.
Course includes legislation and causes and controls of falls, slip and trip. It also covers falls, slips and trips from a manager's perspective.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & IOSH approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed primarily at those working in adult care but equally useful for carers and voluntary sectors, this course offers awareness of stroke and impact of stroke.
It includes signs and symptoms, types of stroke and causes, diagnosis, treatment and recovery and post-stroke problems and care.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 55 minutes
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A useful course in modern times for anybody who wants to understand stress and stress management. Course covers what stress is and why we need to manage it, causes and symptoms, minimising risk of stress and the law around workplace stress and contravention of it.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 18.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Good for those working within the health, care and waste disposal sectors and anyone else who comes into contact with sharps.
This course covers sharps safety, injuries, infection, equipment and safe handling procedures.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM & CPD, approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 55 minutes
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Useful learning for anyone working within the health and care sector, professional or voluntary sectors or those with a role caring for someone.
Course includes definitions and values, care plans and consent, and daily reports. It also gives example care plans and a case study.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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An introductory course for anyone interested in raising their awareness of mental health.
Course includes what mental illness is and its prevalence, symptoms of bi-polar, depression, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, personality disorder and self-harming.
Learners may wish to build on this course with further training around mental health.
Level 3 Course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 25 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Aimed at those in the workplace that would like to become a mental health first aider or for supervisors or managers interested in starting a mental health first aid programme in the workplace.
Course covers stress, the employers' role, management and employee's role in the workplace wellbeing programme.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & Gatehouse Awards approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£ 30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at supervisors and line managers who are interested in basic awareness of mental health at work to help build a positive mental health culture in their workplace. A useful for course for supervisors and managers to build on knowledge acquired in our Mental Health First Aid course.
This course covers implementing a mental health strategy in the workplace.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 25 minutes
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Ideal e-learning for those working within the health and care sector where the Mental Capacity Act features for clients.
Course includes the Mental Capacity Act, assessing capacity and the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS)
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Aimed at supervisors and managers responsible for the health and wellbeing of employees, this course covers health risk assessments and process, long-term personal health conditions, employee wellbeing and substance misuse. It informs on managing absence and creating a positive workplace culture.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM, Gatehouse & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at those working in a professional or voluntary capacity within the health and social care sector.
Course includes understanding social care, relationships, agreed ways of working, keeping up-to-date, working in partnership and conflict resolution.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 4 years
Duration: 40 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at those working in sectors handling medicines, this introductory level course covers terminology, roles, legislation, licensing and groups of medicines. Routes of entry and levels of support, infection control, dispensing equipment, label interpretation, record keeping and 'The Seven Rights'.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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For those working or volunteering in a care setting, information sharing and confidentiality can be a dilemma. Incorrect handling of personal information can impact service provider-user relationships and can lead to breaches of legislation.
This introductory course includes confidentiality, the terms 'consent' and 'need to know', the legislation surrounding information handling and putting it into practice.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 20 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A great e-learning course for anyone who has access to personal data such as HR personnel, supervisors and managers.
This course covers data processing, types of data, data subjects' rights and data breaches.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 60 minutes
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Useful to anyone wishing to understand nutrition and hydration and how it affects the human body - particularly useful to those working in care environments.
The course covers basic elements of nutrition and hydration, terms, eating a healthy, balanced diet, malnutrition and over nutrition, identifying people at risk and steps for dealing with cases of poor nutrition and hydration. It also covers the malnutrition universal screening tool.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 65 minutes (1hr 5 mins)
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at employers and employees responsible for developing and following a workplace mental health policy.
This course includes development and implementation of a workplace mental health policy
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 20 minutes
£ 18.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Great training for managers and supervisors in any work sector.
This course includes good employee relations, implementation and HR, contracts, employee handbook, managing performance, recruitment, retention and train ing and finally dealing with complaints, discipline and negativity in the workplace.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 28.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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For those starting out in a management role or for current managers wishing to enhance management skills.
The four modules of this course cover team working, conflict, management behaviour and resilience.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD & ILM approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A good e-learning course for any workplace who wish to improve workplace culture and/or develop a workplace strategy.
Course covers policy commitments, harassment and bullying, informal steps, raising a formal complaint, investigations, action following investigation and case studies.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 32 minutes
£ 20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is aimed at employees at all levels of an organisation who may encounter bribery or corrupt working practices.
Course includes why corruption and bribery occur, the UK Bribery Act 2010, reducing the risk, management and ISO 37001 and employee responsibilities.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Suitable for anyone working in an organisation that handles large amounts of money. It's also useful as an introductory course for those working or planning to work in a regulated sector.
Course includes money laundering and the law, due diligence, internal controls and monitoring.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Good for employees at every level this course covers what cyber attacks are, the risks, why data breaches happen, potential targets, spotting red flags to help inform your defence strategy and what to do in the event of a cyber attack.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate valid for 5 years
Duration: 25 minutes
£18.40 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Risk assessment tis the systematic method of looking at work activities and considering risk - things that could cause significant harm to people, property or the environment.
This introductory course is useful to any sector that are developing or implementing a risk assessment policy or strategy.
Course covers the basics, legislation, regulation and civil law. Strategy, identifying hazards, evaluating the risks, practicalities, recording and reviewing, management and responsibilities.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30mins)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course covers disciplinary procedure, confidentiality, investigations, allegations, suspensions, notification of a hearing, right to be accompanied, procedures, penalties, effects and appeals and holding disciplinary hearings. The course concludes with a case study.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Essential learning for those in positions where delegating tasks is either desired or necessary.
This course includes why delegation is important, the elements and benefits of delegation, overcoming barriers and choosing what to delegate and to whom. It also covers the process, completion, follow-up and evaluation of delegated tasks.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 110 minutes (1hr 50 mins)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Useful learning for anyone in any sector looking at achieving performance goals through effective management of people, resources and the environment in which they operate.
Course includes benefits, successful performance management planning, goal setting, objectives and targets, implementation, motivation, evaluation, monitoring, feedback and coaching.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 55 minutes
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Good time management improves and enhances time spent in the workplace and can even improve quality of work.
Course covers key terms and benefits of time management, the 6 laws of time management, time stealers and interruptions, time saving methods, 'monkey management' and meetings.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 105 minutes (1hr 45 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Correct control of stages and aspects of projects helps to increase project success. Useful learning for anyone managing projects looking to enhance performance strategy or for first-time project managers in both workplace or home setting.
Course covers project management terminology, project lifestyle, identifying needs, project aims and objectives and initiation, Gannt Charts, budgets, risks and issues, monitoring change, stakeholders.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£ 30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at those in the adult social care sector, this course will help you focus on your personal development as a key part of your progression in the workplace.
Course covers setting standards, codes of practice and legislation, reflecting on work activities, personal attitudes and beliefs, formal and informal learning, feedback and personal development plans (PDPs)
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 4 years
Duration: 35 minutes
£ 15.40 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work. It covers different types of abrasive wheel, safety in their use and how to identify the type of wheel.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 100 minutes (1hr 40 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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Aimed at supervisors and managers who wish to develop team relationships. Good for new managers or those building on skills.
Course includes leadership & management, leadership theories, team development & leadership, individuals within teams, communicating 1-to-1 with individuals and moving forward together.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & ILM approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Aimed at supervisors and managers who want to develop more effective relationships with members of their teams. The course is a great starting point for people new to leadership roles or more established managers looking to enhance their skills.
Course covers identifying emotional intelligence, understanding & recognising emotions, emotional intelligence at work and tips for dealing with emotions at work.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 50.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A course aimed at anyone within the food industry or responsible for the provision of food to those in their care.
Course includes: General allergies, food allergies and intolerance and the differences, the 14 allergens controlled by legislation, food additives and allergic reactions.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM, Gatehouse & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 100 minutes (1hr 40 mins)
£30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course informs you about the risks of working with asbestos, the course includes:
Recognising asbestos, where it's used, minimising the risks and the relevant legislation about working with asbestos.
E-learning course
☑️ IATP, IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 1 year
Duration: 65 minutes (1hr 5 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is a variation of the Asbestos Awareness course with information specific to designers and architects. This course informs about the risks of working with asbestos. Course includes: Recognising asbestos, where it's used, minimising the risks and relevant legislation about working with asbestos.
E-learning course
☑️ IATP, IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 1 year
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is aimed at companies who employ users of display screen equipment (DSE) and is aimed at those who will be assessing the DSE set ups of employees. DSE is a term that covers a wide range of equipment. If equipment is improperly used or set-up, users are at increased risk from certain disorders.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 110 minutes (1hr 50 mins)
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is aimed at those who use display screen equipment (DSE) at work or home. If equipment is improperly used or set-up, users are at increased risk from certain disorders and this course raises awareness of correct / incorrect use and set-up.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH & IIRSM approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 50 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is intended to provide you with the information needed to understand and spot the signs of drug and alcohol misuse. Course includes: Legal and social implications in cases of alcohol or drug misuse, the relevant laws, types of drugs, and policies that can be put in place to protect yourself, your business and your employees.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 80 minutes (1hr 20 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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A useful e-learning course for any workplace or voluntary sector setting.
This course covers what sexual harassment is, examples & research, dealing with a complaint, policies & the role of the line manager, handling sexual harassment in the workplace, the law and sexual harassment and case studies.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 55 minutes
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This training is ideal for supervisors and managers who want to develop problem solving skills for the workplace. Good for new managers or those who wish to enhance their current skills.
Course covers Equality Act 2010, introduction to people problems, problems with tasks and successful resolutions.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 5 years
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Communication is key in everything we do but is essential in the adult social care sector.
This course covers reasons for and ways of communicating, identifying barriers, reducing barriers, checking understanding, getting help with communication issues and confidentiality.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 75minutes (1hrs 15 mins)
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course is useful to anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. It covers what constitutes work at height, the safety issues, and how to assess and reduce some of the risks.
Note: This is an awareness course only, if your work includes working at height you may also need further training.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM & Gatehouse Awards approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 105 minutes (1hr 45 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course will give the learner an understanding of health and safety legislation, common causes of accidents, good practice in relation to electricity and an awareness of safe manual handling techniques and includes good practice associated with COSHH regulations and basic fire safety.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This course is an introduction to personal safety for lone workers. The course is useful to those that work alone within business premises, mobile workers and homeworkers. It includes legal responsibilities of both employer and employee, some of the common security precautions that can be implemented, practical steps to avoid conflict in lone worker situations and other elements that can contribute to greater safety for lone workers.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH & IIRSM approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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This course outlines exactly what constitutes manual handling and covers the regulations and legislation that apply to manual handling tasks. Course includes: Safe handling techniques , developing good practice in manual handling, practical solutions and the use of mechanical aids.
Note: This is an awareness course only, if your usual work includes manual handling you will also need further training, contact us to build on this training.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This course informs about the use of PPE, the course includes:
Why, how and where it's used, risk assessment and minimising risks, and relevant legislation.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
A must for those who require training in identification and uses of fire extinguishers. Course includes: Recognising fire extinguishers and their correct uses.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards, CPD & Insititute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 year
Duration: 25 minutes
£20.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This course is aimed at those who are appointed as fire marshals at work or in a voluntary organisation. The course includes the content of the Basic Fire Awareness course, Fire Extinguishers course and more.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards, CPD & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 220 minutes (3hrs 40 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This course is an awareness course that includes: the triangle of fire, why fires happen, actions to prevent fire and actions to take on discovery of a fire.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM, IFE, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
Designed for the care-home sector specific to employees of care homes and residential care homes. This course is an awareness course that includes: the triangle of fire, why fires happen, actions to prevent fire and actions to take on discovery of a fire.
E-learning course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 60 minutes (1hr)
£ 25.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
Particularly useful for those working in care homes and hotels. This course gives awareness of Legionella and Legionnaires Disease, potential risks associated with water systems, and the prevention and control of risks.
E-learning course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD & Gatehouse Awards approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
A useful health & safety at work course designed for employees and / or managers in the workplace who are exposed to, control or are responsible for substances which may be hazardous to health.
☑️ IIRSM & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 125 minutes (2hrs 5 mins)
£ 28.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
A useful First Aid at Work annual refresher for those who have Emergency First Aid at Work duties. This annual online refresher will refresh knowledge and maintain the first aider's confidence when acting in a first aid role.
☑️ IIRSM, CPD & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 1 year
Duration: 150 minutes (2hrs 30 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
Food safety combines a number of practices to reduce risk. Risk can involve environment hygiene, personal hygiene, risk control, pest control and waste management. This level 1 course is about minimising the level of potential risks in a food catering setting.
E-learning course
Level 1 course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Food safety training combines a number of practices to reduce risk. Risk can involve environment hygiene, personal hygiene, risk control, pest control and waste management. This level 2 course is about minimising the level of potential risks in a food catering setting and builds on Level 1 learning.
E-learning course
Level 2 Course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£ 24.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This detailed course starts with basic definitions, and then builds through other areas of learning including, types of food hazards, environment & personal hygiene, pest control, relevant legislation, enforcement, design and cleaning of premises and equipment. It also discusses how to implement an effective food safety management system. Course is aimed at professional food preparation and service but is also useful to other sectors involved in food preparation who are looking for a comprehensive food safety course.
E-learning course
Level 3 Course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 260 minutes (4hrs 20 mins)
£ 125.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This course is intended to give you an overview of how the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme works, what the scoring criteria are and how these are assessed by the inspectors, the appeals process, the Safer Food Better Business management system, E-Coli and concludes with some practical advice for ensuring your premises gets the best score possible.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM, IOSH & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This level 1 course is aimed at the food manufacturing sector and is ideal as staff induction training for new employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge, employees handling low-risk or wrapped foods (category A), front of house employees and back of house employees such as kitchen porters or warehouse workers.
Course includes food safety legislation, hazards from delivery to service, risk control (prevention of contamination), pests, premises and people and a final assessment.
E-learning course
Level 1 course
☑️ IOSH, IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This level 2 course is suited to anyone working in a catering, manufacturing or retail settings where food is prepared, cooked or handled. Good for pubs, hotels restaurants, supermarkets, food and drink manufacturers, hospitals, care homes and schools.
Course includes food safety legislation, hazards from delivery to service, risk control (prevention of contamination), pests, premises and people and a final assessment.
E-learning course
Level 2 course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£ 24.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This level 1 course is aimed at the food handlers in the retail sector and is ideal as staff induction training for new employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge, employees handling low-risk or wrapped foods (category A), front of house employees and back of house employees such as kitchen porters or warehouse workers.
Course includes food safety legislation, hazards from delivery to service, risk control (prevention of contamination), pests, premises and people and a final assessment.
E-learning course
Level 1 Course
☑️ IIRSM, IOSH, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 50 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This level 2 course is suited to anyone working in a catering, manufacturing or retail settings where food is prepared, cooked or handled. Good for pubs, hotels restaurants, supermarkets, food and drink manufacturers, hospitals, care homes and schools.
Course includes food safety legislation, hazards from delivery to service, risk control (prevention of contamination), pests, premises and people and a final assessment.
E-learning course
Level 2 Course
☑️ IIRSM, CPD, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 75 minutes (1hr 15 mins)
£ 24.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
Essential learning for anyone working within licensed premises.
Course covers premises licences, personal licences, club premises certificates, dealing with licensing authorities, types of businesses selling alcohol, representations & mandatory conditions, licensing authority powers, children and under 18s and responsibility in alcohol retailing.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 60minutes (1hr)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge you need to complete the test to become a personal licence holder. It covers all the major topics relating to UK licencing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, Laser awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 90 minutes (1hr 30 mins)
£ 125.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognised food safety management system used to identify, evaluate and control hazards significant in food safety.
Course covers key definitions, microbiological hazards & controls, chemical hazards & controls, allergens & avoiding cross-contamination, physical hazards & controls, prerequisite programmes, implementation of HACCP and the 7 principles of hazard control in practice.
E-learning course
Level 2 course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 80minutes (1hr 20 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
A must-do course for anyone in the food and hospitality sector. Course includes:
Food intolerances and allergens, causes and symptoms, allergen facts, allergens and the law, practical steps, allergen information for customers, internal and external monitoring and review.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD, IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & Institute of Hospitality approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 100minutes (1hr 40 mins)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
👥👥 Contact us for group discount if buying > 5
Ideal for those just entering the job market or equally for those returning to work.
This 2 module course covers preparation for a job interview and preparing for questions in a job interview.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 20 minutes
£ 15.40 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
For anyone in any sector, paid or voluntary, wishing to be able to create and deliver good presentations, this 6 module CPD approved course will be useful learning.
Course includes presentations and structure, content, visual aids, the presentation, listening and learning names.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration:55 minutes
£ 28.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
A useful short e-learning course for those wishing to become an effective negotiator either in the workplace or from a personal perspective.
A 4 module course that includes negotiation overview, key stages and skills in negotiation, negotiating positions and the negotiation.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 25400 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This course is good for those new to sales or people wishing to refresh their skills in any industry.
The course covers basic rules of selling, cold calling, face-to-face meetings, rapport building, sales presentations, results selling, handling negotiations, dealing with objections and closing a sale.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 120 minutes (2 hrs)
£25.40 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Most people search online for goods and services. For your business to be found by those searching, you need to understand how to optimise your presence on the web.
This 6 module course includes and introduction to SEO, link building, on-site SEO, social media as part of SEO, local search and pay per click (PPC). Course good for sole traders and small and micro businesses wishing to improve online sales via their website and social media accounts.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 80 minutes (1 hr 20 mins)
£ 110.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
For people who wish to get the most out of the value of LinkedIn for their professional life, this 4 module CPD approved e-learning course includes an introduction to LinkedIn, company policies relating to LinkedIn, how LinkedIn works and setting up your LinkedIn profile.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid 5 years
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 60.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
A useful e-learning course for anyone in a paid or voluntary position who wants to run effective meetings.
Course includes basic definitions and statistics outlining the importance of effective meetings, planning, preparing the agenda, problems and how to deal with them, techniques for resolving conflict and making decisions.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 60 minutes
£ 30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Ever wondered how Facebook can help your business?
This course shows you how to harness the power of social media for your business.
Course includes introduction to Facebook, setting up a business page, administration of your page, adding content, custom applications, getting people to your page, advertising and increasing traffic to your page.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid 4 years
Duration: 80 minutes (1 hr 20 mins)
£ 40.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Great customer service can be the difference between good and bad business.
In this course you'll learn what customer service is, the goals of great customer service, understanding customer needs, delivery of good levels of service, communication skills and dealing with customer complaints.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 75 minutes (1 hr 15 mins)
£ 30.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This course aims to help you write effective objectives and deliver results.
Course covers why goals and objectives are important, SMART objectives and tips for successful objective setting.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 18.40 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Many businesses struggled with risk assessing health and safety in the workplace in a pandemic.
Aimed at employers and employees, this course is intended to help plan and implement changes to the workplace and ease transition back to the workplace for those returning from working remotely.
It includes what is a virus? Symptoms and responses of the body, how to explain risk to workers, how to use risk assessment to create safer workplaces and how to use PPE effectively.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD & IIRSM approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 30 minutes
£ 15.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Twitter can help your business profile - but do you know how best to use it?
This Twitter for Business course will help you to use it to the advantage of your business.
Course includes introduction to Twitter, getting started, using third party applications, and how to be 'social' on the platform.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate has no expiry
Duration: 55 minutes
£ 60.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Aimed at people starting out in the construction industry, this 10 module course includes: Hazards, Risks, Assessments & Controls, Slips, Trips, Falls & Working at Height, Manual Handling, Plant, Machinery & Noise, Respiratory Risks, Fire, Electricity & Gas Safety, Chemicals & Other Onsite Hazards, Vehicles, PPE and General Safety and concudes with Your Pathway to your CSCS Card.
Note: This course can be used as part of a company induction process. It can be used to aid in preparation for the Level 1 award Health & Safety in a Construction Environment.
E-learning course
◽️ETA Awards approved
Duration: Until finished
£ 75.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This unit covers 4 areas: Communicating with Others to Establish Productive Work Practices, Productive Working Practices & Environmental Impact, Completing & Maintaining Documentation and Maintaining Good Working Relationships.
Note: This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit: Conforming to productive Working Practices in the Workplace.
It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked by your assessor, can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.
E-learning course
◽️NVQ Level 2
Duration: 35 minutes
£ 99.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Aimed at people who have completed their Level 1 Health & Safety in a Construction Environment course and want to prepare for the touch screen test
Course covers general responsibilities, accident reporting & recording, first aid & emergency procedures, PPE, environmental awareness & waste control, dust & fumes (respiratory hazards), noise & vibration, health & welfare, manual handling, safety warning signs, fire prevention & control, electrical safety, tools & equipment, site transport safety & lifting operations, working at height, excavations & confined spaces, hazardous substances and concludes with a mock test.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Duration: 120 minutes (2hrs)
£ 35.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
Useful for people starting in the construction industry.
This 7 module course covers an introduction to working safely, defining hazard & risk, identifying common hazards, improving safety performance, protecting the environment a final assessment and hazard perception.
E-learning course
☑️ CPD approved
Certificate valid for 3 years
Duration: 150 minutes (2hrs 30mins)
£ 65.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This unit covers 7 areas: Complying with Information, Complying with Relevant Legislation & Official Guidance, Maintaining Safe Working Practices, Selecting the Required Quantity & Quality of Resources, Preventing Damage to Occupational Resources & the Environment, Completing Work Within the Allocated Time and Complying with Occupational Resource Information.
Note: This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit: Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace.
It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked by your assessor, can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.
E-learning course
◽️NVQ Level 2
Duration: 45 minutes
£ 99.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This unit covers 5 areas: Interpreting Work & Resource Information and Complying with Legislation and Official Guidance, Fixed Scaffolding - Considerations before Assembly, Fixed Scaffolding - Assembly and Dismantling, Scaffold Towers and Mobile Elevating Work Platforms and Safe Working Practices and How to Select the Right Resources and Minimise Risk of Injury
Note: This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit: Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms.
It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked by your assessor, can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.
E-learning course
◽️NVQ Level 2
Duration: 70 minutes (1hr 10 mins)
£99.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This unit covers 4 areas: Communicating with Others to Establish Productive Work Practices, Productive Working Practices & Environmental Impact, Completing & Maintaining Documentation and Maintaining Good Working Relationships.
Note: This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit: Conforming to productive Working Practices in the Workplace.
It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked by your assessor, can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.
E-learning course
◽️NVQ Level 2
Duration: 35 minutes
£ 99.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
This unit covers 5 areas: How to Comply with All Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Legislation, How to Recognise Hazards Associated with the Workplace that have not been Previously Controlled and Report them in a Way that Meets Organisational Procedures, How to Comply with Organisational Policies & Procedures to Contribute to Health, Safety and Welfare, How to Work Responsibly to Contribute to Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare and How to Comply with, and Support, all Organisational Security Arrangements and Approved Procedures.
Note: This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit: Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace.
It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked by your assessor, can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.
E-learning course
◽️NVQ Level 2
Duration: 35 minutes
£ 99.00 per person
Delivered online via our E-learning platform
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